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Sharp knives à la minute

A kitchen can become a place where magic happens. Individual ingredients are transformed into fabulous dishes in a creative process. Having the right tools makes the process both easier and more enjoyable. And what could be more important than a sharp knife? Maybe a really good knife sharpener.

That’s the reason why we offer both the Tormek T-2 Pro Kitchen Knife Sharpener, which is certified for commercial use, and the Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener, an approved household appliance for home use. Both really good knife sharpeners.


Putting together different ingredients to make a finished dish is a craft in itself. A lot of different elements have to fall into place in order to offer the very best culinary experiences. Whether you're entertaining friends for dinner or cooking in a professional kitchen, you need the right tools for the job. With a Tormek knife sharpener, you can keep your knives professionally sharpened at all times. So you can focus on creating magical food.


They say love is the secret ingredient in really good food. And we agree. Love for your tools, love for what you're doing, or love for the person you're cooking for.

Your Tormek will keep your knives sharper than new, year after year. And make cooking safer and more enjoyable. With better results. Our love for sharp edges is the secret ingredient in our sharpening machines.