Product News - New Axe Jig
We are proud to introduce another patented Tormek product - the AX-40 Axe Jig. This is the jig that assures sharpness for all axeheads.

Axe-ceptional versatility
After many years of faithful service, we bid farewell to the SVA-170 Axe Jig and welcome the AX‑40 Axe Jig. This upgraded jig brings a new level of versatility, ensuring that no axe goes unsharpened.
The AX-40 Axe Jig allows precise, symmetrical sharpening for concave, flat, or even convex bevels. The rounded stops on the jig's jaws make it easy to follow both straight and curved edges, ensuring consistent bevels. It works with all of Tormek's water-cooled sharpening systems with a universal support, making it a must-have in any woodworker's or outdoors enthusiast’s kit.
Ability to sharpen convex bevels
A standout feature of the AX-40 Axe Jig is its ability to sharpen axes with convex bevels, which is often sought after and commonly used for eg. wood splitting axes. The convex shape excels in separating wood fibers efficiently, making the splitting process smoother. This rounded edge also tends to last longer, enhancing the durability, with splitting axes. Here’s how you get a convex bevel with the AX-40 Axe Jig:
- Secure the axe in the jig, ensuring it’s stable and straight.
- With the lower stop resting on the Universal Support, measure the angle using the Tormek Marker Method, or the WM-200 AngleMaster
External link, opens in new window., focusing on the outer edge.
- Begin sharpening in an up-and-down motion between the two stops to form the convex edge.
- Finish by deburr on the honing wheel. Be sure the wheel rotate away from you, and don’t forget the honing compound.
Were you able to keep up? If not, get a full walkthrough of how the AX-40 Axe Jig works and how to sharpen convex bevels in Tormek’s Sharpening Class below. External link.