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Diamond Grinding Wheels

Exceptional wear resistance and constant shape

Tormek diamond grinding wheels always maintain the same shape. This means you can always have the same jig setting for a tool, so sharpening is quick and easy. You can also sharpen a completely flat bevel on the side of the diamond grinding wheels using the MB-102 Multi Base. They're extremely durable and sharpen all types of steel very efficiently, and they can also sharpen ceramic knives.

Our diamond grinding wheels fit the Tormek T-4, Tormek T-8 and older models. They come in three different grits: Diamond Wheel Coarse (360 grit), Diamond Wheel Fine (600 grit) and Diamond Wheel Extra Fine (1200 grit).

Now even more multi

MB-102 Multi Base

Get a flat bevel, or convert horizontal mounts to vertical

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thumbnail MB-102 Multi Base

TTS-100 Turning Tool Setter

Simple setting for sharp turning tools

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thumbnail TTS-100 Turning Tool Setter