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ADV-D Diamond Exchange Tip for TT-50

Replace the diamond tip in your truing tool

The ADV-D Diamond Exchange Tip for TT-50 allows you to replace the diamond tip in the TT-50 Truing Tool when it's worn out. This will make your truing tool as effective as when it was new!

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Why ADV-D Diamond Exchange Tip for TT-50?

  • Diamond exchange tip for the TT-50 Truing Tool.
  • Makes it easier to remove the very top layer of the grindstone and gives a better result than with a worn diamond tip.
  • Easy to mount.
  • Fits both new and older versions of the TT-50 Truing Tool.

Make the TT-50 Truing Tool effective again

The diamond tip in your TT-50 Truing Tool wears down over time, or can become damaged. But it can easily be replaced! You can easily use the ADV-D Diamond Exchange Tip for TT-50 to replace your old diamond tip, making your truing tool as efficient as when it was new.

One tip is to twist your worn tip slightly before switching to a new one. There's a chance that new diamonds will emerge and the tip will be effective again.

Specs and details


Shipping weight 0.01 kg (0.02 lb)


Metallic brown


Diamonds bound in sintered copper alloy


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TT-50 Truing Tool – Introduction

Watch a short introduction on how to use the TT-50 Truing Tool, where the ADV-D Diamond Exchange Tip for TT-50 is the bit that cuts the grindstone.

Included in the box

The ADV-D Diamond Exchange Tip for TT-50 comes fully assembled and ready to fit in your TT-50 Truing Tool.